What is an angle grinder used for

What is an angle grinder and what is it used for

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What is an angle grinder

An angle grinder is a power tool mainly used in the metal industry that uses electricity to rotate a disc/wheel at high speeds. The different discs are used from cutting metal to polishing metal. 

An angle grinder has a variety of usages. Ranging from cutting metal to chasing in a wall. Just note that the angle grinder is capable of doing all these things, but it is because it is just a tool that spins a type of wheel or disc. 

You must make sure you are using the correct disc for the type of work you need to do. For example, do not ever use a cutting disc to grind down metal. You can read up on the safe usage of an angle grinder here.

Different uses for an angle grinder.

  • Cutting metal.
  • Polishing metal.
  • Grinding down metal.
  • Remove burr, slag, or spatter.
  • Chasing in walls
  • Trenching in concrete floors
  • Cutting bricks
  • Cutting tiles
  • Cutting wood
  • Chipping away at wood
  • Polishing wood.

Can an angle grinder cut anything?

No. An angle grinder can not cut everything and you should try to cut everything with an angle grinder. Because it is a professional power tool that can result in injuries if not used properly.

Read on how to cut different metal profiles.

What can be cut with an angle grinder?

Anything that has is hard and not flexible. You must just use the correct cutting wheel for each material.

Examples of what you can cut.

  • Metal (thin-thick)
  • Wood
  • PVC pipe
  • Copper pipe
  • Concrete
  • Bricks
  • Hard sheet plastic
  • Tiles
  • Glass

What cannot be cut with an angle grinder

Things that you should never attempt to cut with an angle grinder is anything soft like cloth or rubber.

  • Cloths/clothes 
  • Anything soft and flexible.
  • Meat. However, you will most likely be able to cut through bone.
  • Rubber.
  • Wire/cables
  • Material that’s not meant for the disc. E.g concrete with a metal cutting disc.

What is the difference between a grinder and an angle grinder?

The difference between a grinder and an angle grinder is just the context it is taken. An angle grinder is just describing what kind of grinder you are using. For example, if you talk about a “grinder” in everyday conversation then people might get confused. Whereas if you mention “angle grinder” people will be more likely to know what you are talking about.


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